Two Dads are Better than None

The adventures of two very adorable gay men trying to become fathers in a crazy ass world

You are imvited!

Can you feel the love, acceptance and ............hipocrasy?

On November 8, Texans will cast ballots on a number of constitutional amendments, among them one which defines marriage as being exclusively between a man and a woman. So when you go into the voting booth, please keep these mind:

1) Being gay is not natural. Real Americans always reject unnatural things like eyeglasses, polyester, and air conditioning.
2) Gay marriage will encourage people to be gay in the same way that hanging around tall people will make you tall.
3) Legalizing gay marriage will open the door to all kinds of outlandish, immoral behavior. As Senator John Cornyn has pointed out, people may even choose to marry their pets, because box turtles have legal standing and can sign a marriage contract.
4) Marriage is a fundamental institution and cannot be expected to be revised on the basis of societal whim. After all, women are still property, blacks still cannot marry whites, and divorce is still illegal.
5) Heterosexual marriage will be damaged if gay marriage were allowed; the sanctity of Britany Spears' 55-hour, alcohol-induced, impulsive marriage would be devastated.
6) Heterosexual marriages are valid because they produce children. Gay couples, infertile couples, and old people shouldn't be allowed to marry because our orphanages aren't full yet, and the world needs more children.
7) Obviously gay parents will raise gay children, since straight parents only raise straight children.
8) Gay marriage is not supported by religion. In a theocracy like ours, the values of one religion are imposed on the citizens of an entire country. That's why there is only one religion in America.
9) Children can never succeed without a male and a female role model at home. That's why our nation has expressly forbidden single parents to raise children.
10) Gay marriage will alter the foundation of society for the worse; we could never adapt to new social mores. This is similar to the way our society has failed to adapt to automobiles, the service-sector economy, and longer life spans.

This is beautiful...I think these rednecks will alienate folks who wish to vote in favor of prop 2..

KKK plans rally for gay marriage ban

07:13 AM CST on Tuesday, November 1, 2005
By ROBERT T. GARRETT / The Dallas Morning News
AUSTIN – A Ku Klux Klan group has booked a plaza outside Austin's City Hall to rally in support of a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage.
Opponents of the amendment announced Monday that they would hold a vigil several hundred yards away during the Klan's Pro Family Values Rally on Saturday afternoon.
"The Ku Klux Klan is bringing its message of hate to Austin," said gay rights activist Glen Maxey, campaign manager of No Nonsense in November, the main group opposing the amendment. "You cannot ever let it go unchallenged."
Last month, Jessica Edwards, state secretary of the American White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, notified Austin officials that the group intends to hold an anti-gay marriage rally – using banners and flags, but no robes and hoods – near City Hall.
On the Klan group's Web site, Grand Dragon Steven Edwards used an epithet for homosexuals in describing the rally, to be held from 1 to 3 p.m. Saturday. He also mischaracterized Proposition 2, which would prohibit same-sex marriage and bar state and local governments from recognizing a marriage-like status for same-sex couples.
"Texas is having a vote on Nov. 8 to legalize gay and lesbian marriages," Mr. Edwards wrote. "God commands us to fight Satan and his minions, and we shall do this, even if there are only 10 of us there."
Rep. Warren Chisum, the Pampa Republican who wrote the proposed amendment, said its supporters want nothing to do with the Klan.
"They weren't invited by me," he said. "They're not a part of our group."
The anti-Proposition 2 vigil will begin at 1:30 p.m. Saturday on the Drake Bridge over Town Lake, adjacent to the plaza.
"We will speak for ourselves and not engage the Klan in their rhetoric," said Mr. Maxey, a former state representative.
Jeff Lutes of Soulforce Inc., a group that resists "religious and political oppression" of gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transsexuals, said each vigil participant would be asked to sign a pledge of nonviolence written by civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr.
The Klan rally is believed to be the group's first appearance in Austin since 1993, when it was greeted by 5,000 counterdemonstrators. About 75 of them conducted a "mass mooning."
"While some daredevils showed their bare behinds, others revealed boxer shorts painted with messages," The Associated Press reported then.
Spokesmen for the city and the Travis County sheriff's office said security would be heightened for this rally but offered no details. Austin allows any organization to use the plaza as long as no competing event has been scheduled and groups agree to respect property and not interfere with city business, said city spokesman Andrew Rivera.
Last week, Gov. Rick Perry reiterated that he supports Proposition 2 and remained philosophical that it's a position shared with the Klan.
"If they don't break any of the laws of the state or the city of Austin ... they have every right to state they are pro or con on a vast array of issues," he said. "That's how it works in America, and the First Amendment is a wonderful thing."

...when you win the world series, and ONLY then is it acceptable...kind of a weird double standard, ya think...So let me get this straight (no pun intended)..if if I am a straight guy then I am not OK with men kissing in public. The only exception is if you win the world series, then it is OK and even celebratory for men to kiss in public....huh?

Chicago White Sox manger Ozzie Guillen, left, gets a kiss from a well-wisher after the White Sox defeated the Houston Astros 1-0 in Game 4 to win the World Series for the first time since 1917, Wednesday, Oct. 26, 2005, in Houston.

The story starts with a young mother and her 8 year old son getting out of an old white bronco from boyfriend ,umber two this year. She is a pretty 28 year old blond who dates well and works part time as a stripper so she can take care of her son, the reminder of a young life she handed over.



On Tuesday, November 8, Texans will be asked to vote on a
Constitutional Amendment that would prohibit marriage, civil
unions and domestic partnerships for gay and lesbian couples.
Say “No” to this Nonsense.
Stand with us to defeat
this attack on Texas families!

Please visit our web site to:
- pledge to vote against the amendment.
- volunteer to fight with us.
- donate to the campaign.
Help us make history in November.
Constitutional Amendment #2

a pic of us being silly. I tried to talk Greg into posing but alas, he would not!

We spent Sunday celebrating the Jewish New Year with bagels and lox with the Biers. Afterwards we went to a pumpkin patch and on a hayride with Brooklynn, Rhonda and James.

You can see that my mom gets her fabulous decorating taste from her son!!

If you or anyone you know is interested in renting a house in Frisco, my mom owns this house and it will be available mid November. Details are.. $1300/ month .The dimensions are 2200 sq. feet 3 bedroom / 2.5 bath. Big "oversized" backyard, with lots of trees, and of course Frisco schools. Call my sister Rhonda at 214-802-0409 if interested.

There was a weird hurrilame weekend. Plans were canceled and housework was done. I spent the weekend putting a proper work bench in my garage and even painted the floor. How very butch of me.

There is something nice about having a workshop in a time when the world is moving so fast around us. A place to gather your thoughts, plan something out and build it - the most basic form of happiness and expression.

The world moves too fast sometimes. We all need to enjoy the view, slow down and be happy.

Pics of the garage soon.


After about a year and a half of studying and applying almost 5000 hours of project management experience.... and lots of cramming, I passed my PMP exam! This means I am a certfied Project Manager with all that it entails.

Here is some background for those not in the know:

The PMP® designation following your name demonstrates to current and potential employers that you possess a solid foundation of experience and education in project management that can have a positive impact on bottom-line results. In fact, the certification exam is so important that many project managers are required by their companies to become certified in order to retain their positions. Many who acheive the certification have received raises, bonuses or promotions as a result.

Recognizes your Expertise in Project Management : The PMP is the project management credential of choice for numerous industries and companies. By attaining the PMP credential, your name will be included in the largest and most prestigious group of certified professionals in the project management community. The PMP designation following your name tells current and potential employers that you have a solid foundation of project management knowledge that can be readily applied in the workplace.

Better Salary : Based on a survey carried out by PMI, PMP Certified project managers get about 20% more than similarly qualified Project Managers who do not have the prestigious PMP credentials

Better Job Opportunities : In spite of the bad job markets in the recent past, the requirement for qualified Project Managers has been increasing exponentially. Based on surveys, there are 20% more jobs than PMP Certified Professionals available. This has created an extremely good job market for Project Managers who have the PMP credentials. With the requirements for qualified Project Managers expected to increase exponentially in the future, the job market for PMP Certified managers will get better.

Officially recognized by leading companies: PMP certification is officially recognized by several leading organizations (e.g. Microsoft, IBM, American Express etc to name a few) who actively endorse the PMP certification and encourage their project managers to get PMP Certified. This has helped in making PMP certification as the de-facto industry standard for Project Managers.

You must meet the following requirements:
Minimum of 35 hours of Project Management classroom instruction (effective January 2002)
Bachelor’s degree and 4,500 hours of project management experience over 3 years/36 months
7,500 hours of project management experience over 5 years/60 months (if NO degree)
Complete and submit the PMP® certification application directly to PMI®
Pass the 4-hour "computer-based" 200-question exam

How 'bout them apples.. I am Brent C. Jones, PMP....

And in case you were wondering, I have always been a PIMP! Muthaaa Fukaaah!

What I did this summer, by Brent Jones Grade 3

Pictures of new house, niece and family

I have not updated this blog in forever. In fact, I must be the worst blogger in the world. I don't think anyone reads this..even strangers. So if someone does, give me a shout. Ok, here is a six month update since march of 05....

I got laid off in march and got a new job within 2 weeks. In fact, I interviewed for the IT training mgr position at builders first source and got it before I got screwed. Hyphen solutions was a horrible company. Some of the people were ok, but management was a bunch of lying arrogant pricks. They were a start up and have sooooo many problems that any who bought them would be an idiot. Lousy business model that has not gotten off the grond after 5 years. Olympus is losing so much money that I give them til 2007 tops.

Anyway, I am now the IT training manager at BUILDERS FIRSTSOURCE. We have over 6000 employees and recently went public. So far I like it, but the travel can wear me out a little. I hope that I can go far in this company since there seems to be a lot of room for growth and I really like the management.

We moved into our new home in july. It is a three story townhouse in Addison circle. Addison was recently voted as on of the top 5 sexiest suburbs for whatever that is worth!

This weekend I am flying back to Dallas and going to the lakehouse with Greg. We desperately need some rest.

The worst part about the move has been selling the old place. While I do have an offer that will close hopefully, I wish I had gotten more. The lesson I learned? It is all about location and do not buy near crappy older apartments.

Over and out
Brent Jones
mobile 972.896.0722
fax 801.740.6190

Scouts Honor...we have 250 boy scouts in our troop...yeah, right

MSNBC - FBI investigates Boy Scouts for fraud

About this blog

We are a committed gay couple of almost 10 years who are trying to start a family of our own. This is our story.

Those I Love


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