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It has been a historical week in America. We have elected our first half black half white (read African-American I guess) president. It seems that both black and white America can embrace a guy that, well, is equal parts white and black. It will certainly mean a lot for race relations.
Obama was wise to pronounce himself the American mutt when he referenced selecting the nation's new First Pet. Those evolutionists know that as far as genetics and evolution is concerned, mutts are healthier and live longer. Simply evolution tells you that nature takes the best (and sometimes the worst) of a race's gene and throws it into the melting pot. I consider myself a mutt and think that blending the races makes for a better, more interesting world.
It is interesting to think, however, that this new blood will dominate as the nation's image. People all over the globe may see America in a whole new light. Maybe Americans are thinking that desperate times call for desperate measures? Financially the economy is taking a rest. She is tired of pumping out all that capital to feed so many countries. We are unsure of the future and we are also wise enough to say that we needed change. Especially after this election, the idea of the American family has changed for the better. We are a nation of mixed people that have all come together to create stories of our own future.
In fact, the most American of all stories told is the one that starts off about family coming to America somehow, in search of opportunity. You are seeing the results of how the very definition of the American "family" is changing.
He had an Asian childhood, African parentage, a Middle Eastern name and an American upbringing. He is a truly global president.
My sister is a way better blogger than I, so in an effort not to be lame, here are 7 random things about me:
1. I started my blog back way before it was *cool*. I tend to me 3-4 years ahead on the technology curve. Now there is so much info about people out there, it is mind boggling and somewhat overdone.
2. As a 6 year old, I was going to be a carpenter by day and a preacher by night. I am not sure where this redneck vision of happiness came from, but it is true.
3. I get annoyed with people who just talk about themselves in conversation and do not ask others questions. The don't understand the ping-pong has to go back and forth for the game to be fun.
4. I was raised Christian but do not really consider myself a Christian because I refuse to believe there there is only one God and the Christians are right. I fault this belief on education and travel. It is amazing what you learn when you open your eyes.
5. I wanted to be an architect when I was younger. I am still fascinated by designs, buildings and cool houses and living spaces.
6. I am not a huge believer in luck and I think people make their own luck in life. People who play the victim annoy me.
7. If money were no object, I would write short stories and paint all day. I have a weird attraction towards becoming a tormented artistic soul.