I am getting close to my target weight thanks to diet, P90x and limiting sugar and carbs
Sept 09 - June 10
Step 1
Eat a diet that is balanced with lean protein, fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Avoid fried foods or foods with high fat contents. Your body will absorb the fat you eat, making it difficult for you to increase muscle tone and appear toned. Managing your diet doesn't necessarily equate to weight loss although some weight loss may occur.
Step 2
Do cardio exercises three to four times per week for 30 to 60 minutes at a time. If you have minimal fat, cardiovascular activity will help to maintain your existing muscle tone and strengthen your cardiovascular system. If you have some fat to lose, cardiovascular exercises are essential for losing fat as well as strengthening your cardiovascular system. In order to appear toned, you have to minimize the fat on your body. Otherwise, you may be toning muscles that can't be seen because they're hidden behind a layer of body fat.
Step 3
Drink plenty of water. It is recommended that you drink eight 8-oz.glasses per day (64 oz. total or approximately 2 liters). Try to drink an additional four glasses per day (or an additional liter). Drinking water works as an internal cleanser that washes away fat and impurities on the inside of your body the way water cleans your body externally.
Step 4
Do strength training exercises three times per week. Lifting free weights or using the weight resistance machines in a gym are a good way to tone. If you prefer a more simple routine, there are exercises you can do to tone that don't require any equipment Once you become accustomed to doing strength training, you can consider an alternate form such as Pilates to keep things interesting.
Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/21795-way-tone-up-body/#ixzz0q5goH63Q
Blah, that's how I feel about the whole "f-booking" thing as I have heard it called. Yet I keep this app on my iphone and check it several times a day. We are literally becoming a society that is wired every waking moment. Our kids are addicts. Imagine raising a college kid and them not having a smart phone or a facebook account..they would rather die I am sure.
Greg and I were looking on Myspace last night and it reminded me why I was glad to commit myspace suicide. Stick with one group contacting medium and use it, I thought. After seeing some of these pages I was glad I had done that. They are too confusing and everyone has a "unique" page. I think it may be dying a slow death.
But remember I am here to bitch about f-booking. And oh how it annoys me. Why do I care what someone I know from third grade is doing in Wisconsin. And the old 80/20 rule applies here too. 80% of all posts will be from 20% of your users. My best friend is on Facebook and I do not think we communicate any more or better. Yet he does not update much and I do. Or do I? Maybe there should be a counter that says "OK, enough updates from you. Ya know, it is not all about you sometime." And I stare at a facebook page and that somehow gives me a view of the world around me? Not hardly. I guess I feel connected, but really my close friends and family are the ones I care about the most. I quickly built three circles in my privacy settings: family, close friends, and acquaintances. There is far too much shit going on in my world and too many things asking for my attention. We were laughing recently about Greg's brother and fiance communicating through facebook while sitting 2 feet from each other on the sofa. Sad, but funny that we have all come to this.
I would like to impose the following suggestions:
1. Pics of your kids is allowed 1 times per week
2. No drama. I know it won't happen because we are suckers for cat fights, but I can dream.
3. Self promotion in excess makes you appear vapid and somewhat self centered, but who is not?
4. I do not give a $hit about any games you play. Period.
5. Some of you need to have your submit button disabled. I do not need to know every significant detail of your mundane life. I know you are leaving a record for future generations to examine, but maybe none of us are THAT interesting. And the ones who are that interesting we all know about.
Now I have to save this so I can update my facebook page.
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