Two Dads are Better than None

The adventures of two very adorable gay men trying to become fathers in a crazy ass world

1.I hate MySpace and the cheesy extension of cliques onto the net...puuulleeze
2. Is it just me or do the people on their lists of "who's cool" all appear to be dicks?
3. I hate the way it pops up is bad enough I have to read your dribble but listen to your music too?
4. Emo kids whine on and on.
5. Interface, speed and the designs that are used look like wait, that's a compliment
6. I cannot read your whining on a background like that
7. It's always trying to hook me up with 14 y/o losers who IM me: "WAZZUP!!??!~%^"
8. It signs me out when i try to search.
9. Best described by the odd words "preteen" "social" "anxiety" and "church".
10. Spams the crap out of you with stupid bands i'd like to slap

Oh dear God how i hate MySpace.


About this blog

We are a committed gay couple of almost 10 years who are trying to start a family of our own. This is our story.

Those I Love
