Two Dads are Better than None

The adventures of two very adorable gay men trying to become fathers in a crazy ass world

I have decided to become a more active blogger. If nothing else, then to practice better writing. I am going to TRY to update this thing weekly, but if I do not, know the story.

1. - I have become an avid reader of Michael Arrington's blog. If nothing else, it helps me stay on top of who is doing what on the internet. This site is an essential read for any internet start up. He gives the scoop and tells you what is going on in the conference rooms of silicon valley as soon as it happens.

2. - This WILL be the wave of the future I predict. With backing by Google and several others, you can now spit in a tube and get your genome mapped. For about a grand, you can see your ancestry mapped out find out what your propensity is for Alzheimer's and a slew of other genetic/hereditary based diseases. It was in Wire (which I am also an avid reader of) and these guys go IPO, I would certainly like to get some.

3. Alternative Energy - I know this is a dead horse, but solar power seems to be the wave of the future. Also, wind power would be a great place to look. When we were on the trains in Europe, I was amazed to see so may wind farms. The US has barely tapped into this. Some companies sell consumers wind power only to have it put back into the main grid. If I could pay them for my power and the price was comparable, I would do it. I was also looking at some ETF funds and this might be a smart place to look for opportunities since $100 oil is inevitable in 2008 I think.

4, - (Shameless plug follows) I still think medical tourism has a long ways to climb. People are still hesitant to go abroad for surgery, but if prices do not come down, I think Americans without insurance will have no choice. I am still trying to sell my business on ebay, but I think that long term people will be hopping on planes for facelifts and new hips all the time. See the Michael Moore movie "Sicko" and tell me what you think. Unless our medical system is fixed soon, we will all be screwed. Why not outsource your heart to a Harvard trained doctor in India for 70% less?

5. Buy what you know - Recently I have been watching the US economy balance on the brink of a recession and this makes for scary investing. Nintendo was HUGE this past holiday and after we played it some, I see huge upside for this company. The only problem is that it is traded as a pinksheet (an over the counter security) which means you have less visibility into it. NTDOY.PK would be SO much more attractive if it were NOT a pinksheet. In other interesting areas of investing, I believe McDonalds will do well in 08. In Europe I noticed that the Europeans had no problem lining up at the McCafe for their lattes and I like their business model. There is nothing sexy or attractive about the golden arches, but it is smart to buy what you know and SEE. What I saw did not lie, and I may get into McD's soon too.MCD

Those are the thoughts in my head for this Tuesday. I will try better to update this again soon. On an interesting side note, I am also attempting a chemical peel. I will let you know how that turns out. Also, along the start-up front, I got a linked in invite from a character in Ft Worth. They seem to embody the true essence of a start up and loved their wit. Poke around their site and watch the video on one bag packing. I love it!


About this blog

We are a committed gay couple of almost 10 years who are trying to start a family of our own. This is our story.

Those I Love


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