Two Dads are Better than None

The adventures of two very adorable gay men trying to become fathers in a crazy ass world

So I have officially repurposed my blog. I have changed some settings to make it more private and have decided to tell our here goes.

Some Background:

We have talked seriously about starting a family since 2007. Since we are missing one critical part of that (duh - a uterus!) we looked at several options over the past few years. Here were some of our initial thoughts

- surrogacy - too expensive
- co parenting - looked into it, quite hard to pull off with 4 parents. Leaves you tied to one place
- foster parenting - first of all, gay couple get no love from the state in becoming foster parents. In many ways we are treated like 2nd class citizens or "backups" for special needs kids. Plus the thought of attaching and having to give a child back to a shitty mother/father!?? Are you kidding? No thanks.
- Adoption - sure. Why not?


About this blog

We are a committed gay couple of almost 10 years who are trying to start a family of our own. This is our story.

Those I Love
