Two Dads are Better than None

The adventures of two very adorable gay men trying to become fathers in a crazy ass world

Our Families Meet

Christmas 2003 was the a special holiday for Greg and I. Our families finally met each other for the first time in Frederick Maryland. I stayed with Greg's mom and dad and Nick and Mistry came up from Austin too.

When Greg and I met we had no idea we had family so close together. His parents live in Fredrick and I have tons of family in Hagerstown, not far away. My mom, James & Rhonda stayed with the Jeter's in Hagerstown and both sides of the family met one night for dinner. This is the photo of that night and we had a really great time.

One of the most important things to us is family. We would not be where we are now if it were not for the years of love and support from our family. The greatest thing about our families is that they support our relationship and are happy for us. WE ARE VERY LUCKY AND WE LOVE THEM VERY MUCH !!


About this blog

We are a committed gay couple of almost 10 years who are trying to start a family of our own. This is our story.

Those I Love
