Two Dads are Better than None

The adventures of two very adorable gay men trying to become fathers in a crazy ass world


Kim and Robert are two very amazing soulss. They cut hair, make people laugh and get along better than anyone I know, especially considering they are brother and sister. They are two of our very close friends and have such amazing outlooks that everyone around them smiles. Imagine our surprise when they said they were going to have a PIMP and HO party. For those who do not know, you must dress as either a pimp or a ho to go. I made up a flyer and we proceeded to buy some very "interesting" attire.

As you can see, we went all out and had a BLAST!! It was a really crazy night and a very fun party. We were very fabulous pimps and and hos as you can see.


About this blog

We are a committed gay couple of almost 10 years who are trying to start a family of our own. This is our story.

Those I Love


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